my baby shower
my first time holding her
a day old
a couple days old
three months old
five months old
seven months old
nine months old
ten months old
eleven months old
eleven months old
eleven months old
Audrianna Marie, my how much you have grown. It feels like just yesterday I gave birth to you. This month of June you are eleven months old then in July you will be a year. I've watched you grow so much from not being able to do much to roll over, sit up, learn to drink out of a sippy and cup, stand up, and walk with things to hold on to. Its gone by so fast I feel like I just blinked my eyes and here you are today a beautiful little girl. I mean you have four teeth now two on top and two on bottom. your hair has grown so much from being born almost bald. I've heard you say mama, dada, and doggie. I swear you said I love you to me but cant prove it.(lol). You wave hello and shake your head no. you even just learn how to escape your play pen. You also make this noise when you have pooped or about to that's just the cutest thing in the world. I know this is only the beginning and soon you will be walking and talking and even running. I enjoy being your mother so much. You have thought me a lot about myself and you. I never knew what love was til I held you in my arms for the first time. I just hope when you grow up you know how much I have changed for you and how much I do for you. I remember before you I wasn't doing to good and being stupid and shopping all the time. Now I'm a proud mother and don't do nothing stupid and only shop for you. Every time I turn around I see something I want to get you and I do. There's still so many things I want to get you and I promise I will. You are my greatest achievement. I cant wait for more journeys to come.
I love you always and forever
your mother
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